As, Hermes Global Lojistik Anonim Sirketi, we appreciate your visits to our website and the interest you show to our company and services. You may be sharing your data with us due to your visits to our website and transactions you do on our website. Your personal data you transferred to us by your visits to our website and saved by us are protected with maximum care and attention and are processed in accordance with the data security rules applicable in the country where our responsible unit is located. Our website may contain links to websites of other servers that do not have a data security statement.



According to article 10 titled ‘Data Supervisor’s Clarification Liability’ of Personal Data Protection Law (“KVKK”) numbered 6698, our data supervisor company Hermes Global Lojistik Anonim Sirketi (“Hermes Global Lojistik”) has liability of informing the data holders on identity, purposes of processing personal data, persons to whom personal data is transferred and the purposes of transfer, legal reasons and methods of collecting personal data, regarding the rights listed in Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), which the personal data owner will direct to the data controller.

In accordance with this article, this Clarification Text has been issued in order to inform you, the data holders, according to article 10 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).

  1. Identity of Data Supervisor:

KVKK’nın 3/1 (ı) maddesinde de veri sorumlusu, ‘Kişisel verilerin işleme amaçlarını ve vasıtalarını belirleyen, veri kayıt sisteminin kurulmasından ve yönetilmesinden sorumlu olan gerçek veya tüzel kişiler’ olarak tanımlanmıştır. KVKK’nın ‘Veri Sorumlusunun Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü’ başlıklı 10/1 (a) maddesinde de veri sahibine,   veri sorumlusunun kimliği konusunda bilgi verilmesi yükümlülüğünü getirmiştir.

Hermes Global Lojistik may have the capacity of ‘data supervisor’ in the scope of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) due to the personal data you share with us both on this website and in other areas. In this frame, ‘identity of data supervisor’ has been established as joint stock company in accordance with the laws of Republic of Turkey and registered to Istanbul Trade Registry Directorate with registration number 300381, with Mersis Number 0179064041600020, with company address at Fulya Mah. Prof. Dr. Bulent Tarcan Cad. No: 16 Sisli / Istanbul, titled as Hermes Global Lojistik Anonim Sirketi.

  1. Purposes of processing personal data:

Your personal data are processed according to the provisions of processing personal data indicated in article 4 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), based on one of more than one conditions of processing personal data indicated in article 5 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK). In all the activities of processing personal data carried out by Hermes Global Lojistik, we act in accordance with the liabilities required in all relevant legislation, especially the KVKK.

Within the conditions and purposes of processing personal data indicated in article 5 and 6 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), purposes of processing your personal data are; carrying out the necessary work by our business units in order to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company; suggesting the products and services offered by our company to you by customizing them according to your tastes, usage habits and needs; ensuring the legal and commercial security of our company and those who have a business relationship with our company and determining and implementing our company's commercial and business strategies.

  1. . To Whom and For What Purpose the Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred:

Your collected personal data can be transferred to our business partners, suppliers, shareholders, authorized public institutions and organizations and private persons in order for; carrying out the necessary work by our business units in order to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company; suggesting the products and services offered by our company to you by customizing them according to your tastes, usage habits and needs; ensuring the legal and commercial security of our company and those who have a business relationship with our company and determining and implementing our company's commercial and business strategies; in the frame of the conditions and purposes of processing personal data indicated in article 8 and 9 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), limited to the purposes indicated in the Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy of Hermes Global Lojistik ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, which you can access from the internet address www.bogazicigumruk.com.tr.

  1. Method and Legal Reason of Collecting Your Personal Data:

Your personal data are collected in accordance with the laws and by various ways including the registrations you make with the use of this website in order to carry out commercial activities, the forms you fill in our sales stores and the agreements you make with our company. Your personal data can also be processed and transferred in the scope of the conditions and purposes of processing personal data indicated in article 5 and 6 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).

  1. Rights of Personal Data Holder:

As personal data holders, you can send your requests to us regarding your rights through website www.bogazicigumruk.com.tr. Hermes Global Lojistik Anonim Sirketi, according to the nature of the request, will conclude your request as soon as possible and within at the latest 30 (thirty) days for free.

If the information you request from our company regarding your personal data require extra cost, these information will be covered on condition that the fee in the tariff determined by the Board of Personal Data Protection is paid. Rights of natural persons whose personal data are processed according to article 11 of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) are as below:

  • To find out whether their personal data are processed or not,
  • To request information if their personal data are processed,
  • To find out the purpose of processing the personal data and whether these are used according to its purpose or not,
  • To know the third persons to whom the personal data is transferred in domestic or abroad,
  • if the personal data is processed incompletely or incorrect, to request these to be corrected and to request the notification of the transaction made in this regard to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
  • To request the deletion or destroying of personal data if the reasons requiring processing disappear, although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) and the other related law and to request the notification of the transaction made in this regard to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
  • To object to the emergence of a result against them by means of analyzing the processed data through exclusively automatic systems,
  • Kişisel verilerin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğraması hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme.



Yasal zorunluluk ve sözleşmesel ilişkilerimiz sebebiyle kaydettiklerimiz saklı kalmak kaydıyla, kişisel verilerinizden, sizi ürünlerimiz ve hizmetlerimiz konusunda bilgilendirebilmek amacı ile yararlanmak istiyoruz. Kişisel Verilerinizi bu amaçla kullanmamıza izin vermek sizin inisiyatifinizde olup, onay vermemeniz veya daha önce vermiş olduğunu onayları geri almak istemeniz halinde bilgileriniz erişime kapatılarak bu amaçlarla kullanımlarına son verilecektir.



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You can also use our website without cookies. You can prevent cookies from being saved on your computer's hard disk by selecting the *block cookies* setting in your browser settings. However, we would like to draw your attention to that many browsers automatically accepts cookies and in case you do not accept cookies, your use of our website may be limited.



We protect your personal data that you allow to be collected by our company in order to prevent loss, damage and unauthorized access and for this purpose, we apply some security measures. Our security measures are in constant development with technological progress.



In the scope of Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), we have liability to give information to you whether there are personal data of you recorded by our company and if there are, to show you the data and when necessary, to delete or change them. If you want information regarding your personal data, please fill the attached application form and send it to our company. Your request will be responded within 30 days.