Bonded Storage
Lojistik merkezlerimiz Gümrük Müsteşarlığı Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüğü’nden alınmış olan açma ve işletme ruhsatına istinaden A TİPİ GENEL ANTREPO olarak adlandırılır.
In our warehouses, it is ensured that all kinds of commodities (excluding specialized customs) that have not yet entered free movement are kept in the best way,
within the framework of the rules determined by all customs laws and regulations. Our warehouse services, which constitute the complementary part of the international logistics services, are carried out in our warehouses affiliated to Muratbey and Dilovası Customs. Our storage units in central plants in Hadimkoy (affiliated to Muratbey Customs Directorate) and Sekerpinar (affiliated to Dilovası Customs Directorate), serve as a fully equipped service base with management office, technological infrastructure, high-capacity construction equipment, equipment required for heavy loads, telescopic ramps and motion-sensitive camera system, in order to meet all your needs.
Our company with its team experienced in custom legislations and storing, provides handling, labeling and customs clearance, speeding up your customs procedures and enabling and provides speed to your clearance works and helps our exporting customers to save time.